Responding When Jesus Moves

Pastor Todd Cosenza

We need to be equipped to respond to the moving of the Lord. We can diminish the blessings by not cooperating. If you want the Lord to move in your life He will, but you must respond in the right way. Hungry for a move of God? Listen to Pastor Todd’s teaching.

Gifted But Immature

Pastor Todd Cosenza

You can be filled with spiritual gifts and still be immature. God desires us to have the power of the Holy Spirit and the character of the Spirit at the same time. Having the gifts without the maturity is an unstable place to be. God wants us to grow up in Him.

The Language of the Righteous

Pastor Todd Cosenza

God’s people should have a language that is very different from that of the worlds. The problem with the church today is you cannot tell the righteous from the unrighteous. Their language is the same. But the Word of God says we are different and the language we speak matters.

Let’s Get Fired Up

Guest Speaker: Karen Fannin

We need to tap into everything God has for us. Praying in the Spirit bypasses the natural. Listen in as guest speaker Karen Fannin teaches on the 4 Benefits of Praying in the Spirit.

Close the Loop

Pastor Todd Cosenza

In the spirit there has to be a closed loop; the power does not come if the loop is open. Listen in to hear how to “Close the Loop”.


Pastor Todd Cosenza

There are mountains we need to speak too and other mountains that we need to place our feet upon and climb. Listen in as Pastor Todd teaches on Psalm 121.