Let Jesus Undo Your Unbelief

Pastor Todd Cosenza

Jesus was always challenging people’s unbelief because the Kingdom of God does not advance by unbelief. Will you let Him root out your unbelief?

3 Things Our Church Must Do For Our Kids

Pastor Todd Cosenza

We have a corporate responsibility for the kids of our church and for those kids within our sphere of influence. We carry a corporate anointing to bring a blessing upon them to help them win in Jesus. God wants us to “pick up” this responsibility that will bear much fruit for Him.

Thoroughly Equipped

Guest Speaker: Aida Garcia

Feeling weak? God is telling us to “Be Strong in the Lord” because it is possible for all of us. Scripture tells us that we do not have to walk around weak and defeated; we can be strong!

Heavenly Realm Strength

Pastor Todd Cosenza

Need strength? Well the good news is God’s people can be filled with strength directly from the throne room of God.

What’s In A Name?

Guest Speaker: Karen Fannin

The world can label us & call us names; the enemy wants to label us and call us names. But God wants you to know the name He declares over you. He has a destiny for your life and has called you to victory. You are in the name of Jesus.