We Must Not Become a Sippy Cup Church!

By Todd Cosenza

God expects spiritual growth in His children. Solid Food is for the mature ( Hebrews 5:13). There is no such thing as passive spiritual growth. We have to want it. How high do you want to go with Him? Listen in and learn the Three Measures of Spiritual Maturity.

The Church Must Not Neglect Its Anointing.

By Pastor Todd Cosenza

There is a corporate anointing upon the Church that God has given us to fight battles and take hold of the victories. Listen to this sermon to find out the three things the anointing gives the Church and how to walk in that anointing.

The Three Main Ministries of Jesus to the Church

By Pastor Todd Cosenza

Our Lord want to be deeply involved in our lives, beyond just saving us. He wants a relationship with us. He wants us to understand who he is and what he wants to do in our lives. If we understand what he is wanting to do then we can cooperate with him. Listen in as we growing in our understanding of Jesus and “The Three Main Ministries of Jesus to the Church” .


By Pastor Todd Cosenza

Hebrews 12: 1b “…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,…” The goal of this long distance race is a living faith, a growing faith, an active faith. Running the whole race with our eyes fixed on Jesus. Learn how to throw off the things that hinder us and the sins that entangle us and run the race well.

How the Church Can Keep Jesus in the Center.

By Pastor Todd Cosenza

For the church to thrive it needs to learn to live in the source, the life of Jesus. Listen to this sermon to hear how the Holy Spirit’s work keeps Jesus in the center of it all!


Guest Speaker: Joe Helfen

Listen to this teaching by Joe Helfen on the Triune Godhead. God’s heart is for us to know Him more and the Trinity comes together to touch each of our lives. Listen to learn more about the love of The Triune God!