Forward, Part 2

Pastor Todd Cosenza Abram wanted a natural solution, an heir – a son, but God had something greater. Before Abram could move forward he had to understand God’s greater purpose. We like Abram need to ask: “What is the greater purpose Lord?” in order for us to move “Forward”.


2023 was the year to stand our ground; 2024 is the season of moving forward. You have stood the test, God is pleased, and you will move forward in 2024 and beyond. The spiritual season is changing; God is moving forward. Pastor Todd Cosenza

Be in Awe

Pastor Todd Cosenza Sometimes we can lose our awe of what God did in sending His Son. When the church loses its awe of Jesus we are in trouble. Have we stopped marveling at all of the miracles that had to happen in order for Jesus to come to earth? Listen in as we re-gain […]

God Is Preparing You

Pastor Todd Cosenza God is preparing you, even if you don’t feel it. We represent the Kingdom of increase. He wants to work through us; he is preparing us before the release. We don’t have to be perfect; we just need to wait on the Lord, and on his timing, to release his power through […]

How Jesus Takes Us Deep

It’s time to let Jesus take you deep. He is not okay with superficial relationships; he will do what he has to do to go deep with us. This is where the healing happens. The Lord is in the deep places. Pastor Todd Cosenza

Who I Am

Guest Speaker: Karen Fannin God wants you to know who your are, who he calls you. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy; we must combat his lies with God’s truth of who he says you are. Listen as guest speaker Karen Fannin unfolds “Who I Am” according to Scripture.

Delight Yourself in the Lord

The Lord doesn’t just want us to verbally say we delight in him but to have it bubbling up inside of us. Delight that is deep within us, bubbling up to the surface that cannot be contained, like a volcano. To really enter into this our hearts have to be free. Pastor Todd Cosenza

Living in Psalm 91

Pastor Todd Cosenza Psalm 91 is a Psalm of protection, but protection is a door we walk through to obtain other blessings. We don’t just live for protection but for the fullness of all God has for us. Find out how this Psalm speaks to intimacy, rest, and strength for our everyday life with Him.

Close the Gap

Pastor Todd Cosenza We need to close the relational gap with Jesus; for out of this relationship flows everything else. We do not want to allow sin, or anything else, to create this gap. Pastor Todd applies the Word of God to help us identify “gap makers” and to how to lay claim to the […]

Wisdom for Our Time, Part 2

Life is filled with complicated situations and knowing how to handle them can seem “foggy”. Accessing God’s wisdom can bring us clarity in every situation. The Church , and God’s people, are called to war with the wisdom of God. Listen in to hear on how Wisdom is a Weapon for our Warfare! Pastor Todd […]