Envy is Your Enemy

Pastor Todd Cosenza

“I had nearly lost my foothold” (Ps. 73:2b). When we look at others success we can fall into envy which will always bring us lower. We don’t want the success of the world we want the victory of Jesus.

Majesty and Might of the Lord

Pastor Todd Cosenza

The Lord reigns no matter what your week has brought. no matter what is happening in your life. Our lives flow from His strength and we are meant to reign in life because of Jesus.

Live in God’s Fullness

Pastor Todd Cosenza

Fullness is what God has for you right now! Don’t worry about your current circumstance or the past. Just give yourself to the truth of His Word; His will is for you to live in His fullness.

How the Harvest Happens

Pastor Todd Cosenza

When we think “harvest” we tend to think evangelism; however it is so much more. Let’s learn from Jesus who demonstrated for us how to harvest for the Kingdom.

It’s Time To Get Ready

Guest Speaker: Karen Fannin

Guest Speaker Karen Fannin shares a prophetic message concerning a season that is coming for God’s people. Let’s get ready for we have a purpose and a destiny.

Feed On Jesus

Pastor Todd Cosenza

Empty? Have you taken in so much of the emptiness of the world? Is your hunger for what Jesus has for you been diminished? Feed on Jesus!